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    CSIRO holds hard copies of longline data (in Japanese) from two Fisheries High Schools: Misaki Fisheries High School, 1969–2000; Shonan Maru (570 pp). Sakai Fishery High School, 1969–1997; Wakatori Maru (324 pp). These reports were provided by the Tokyo University of Fisheries library, where they appear under the titles Josen Jisshu Hokokusho Shonan Maru and Josen Jisshu Hokokusho Wakatori Maru in OPAC. The information contained in these reports relates to the operation of tuna longlines, and includes fishing effort, oceanography and catch composition, and is reported by individual set. Shark are reported only as a general category in both these data sets. The Shonan Maru appeared to make several voyages each year of 1–2 months duration. Examples of translation sheets are included with the hard copies.